Women in Coaching

Women in Coaching

Policy Subsection: Program Policy

Policy Section: Board

Policy Title: Women in Coaching

Policy Statement

Swimming Natation Canada (SNC) is committed to the fullest possible participation at all levels in coaching by women.


SNC believes that women are underrepresented in the profession of coaching. While females account for 50% of the swimming membership, the percentage of women coaching is significantly less.

SNC acknowledges that individual coaches may, through their own efforts, achieve a high level of coaching performance. However, while SNC recognizes individual achievement, it believes that individual solutions will not result in sustainable changes for women in coaching and leaderships roles in swimming.

To that end, and consistent with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, SNC will take a leadership position by making a clear commitment to change the status quo and ensure full and equitable participation in coaching at all levels, particularly the national level.


Swimming Canada will undertake the responsibility to develop organizational programs and policies with the intent to bring about positive change in the number of women coaching.

The CEO, in consultation with technical experts, will take responsibility, to develop, activate and evaluate strategies to increase the number of women coaching throughout the levels of swimming, particularly at the national level.  These strategies must raise awareness and understanding of the need for equity in coaching among members, coaches, and athletes, as well as promote greater involvement by women in coaching development, technical and competitive programs.

Any strategy developed and activated to increase the number of women in coaching must ensure long-term, sustainable change in the status quo.

Body Action/Responsibility
Program Policy 1.   Ensure that any changes in the Charter of Rights and Freedom, Sport Canada Policy on Women in Sport is reflected in this policy

1.    Ensure that balanced participation is a key of the development and delivery of all SNC coaching education, identification and selection policies or programs

2.   Progress towards the achievement of equitable participation in coaching at the national level.

3.    Play a positive role in raising the awareness of the need for greater representation of women in coaching among the CSCTA, the national teams and Provincial Sections


Sport Canada Policy on Women in Sport
Charter of Rights and Freedom

Review and Approval

Review and Approval – October 13, 2006

March 28, 2009